To begin converting BTC to USDT on Bitget, start by logging into your account.If you don’t already have an account, you can create one quickly by following the registration prompts. Once you’re logged in, navigate to the *Wallet* section, were you can manage your digital assets. Ensure that you have the BTC you want to convert available in your wallet. If you need to deposit BTC,simply click on the *Deposit* button,copy your wallet address,and transfer your Bitcoin from your external wallet.
Next, after confirming your BTC balance, head over to the *Trade* section. Here, you’ll find an intuitive interface designed for seamless conversions. Select BTC in the first dropdown and USDT in the second dropdown for the trading pair. Enter the amount of BTC you wish to convert, and review the transaction details carefully. When you’re satisfied with the amount, click the *Convert* button to execute the trade. You’ll recieve a confirmation notification when the transaction is triumphant, and the USDT will be credited to your wallet almost instantly.